How to Beat the Seasonal Allergies: The Pollen Attack

January 7, 2022 by No Comments

Many people suffer from seasonal allergies, and many of them have no idea why they have these allergies first of all. Those who consult the doctor are given medication, and they return to their normal life. But, as soon as the same season arrives the following year, they catch the allergy.

The pollen count in Los Angelos increases in the spring because it is the time of buds and blooming trees—a nightmare for people who have seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies are common in many places, and people suffer from sneezing, runny nose, congestion and many other symptoms.

Seasonal allergies are also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. People use many techniques to avoid catching these allergies, such as keeping the doors and windows closed when not in use, reducing the exposure to things/places that might trigger allergies, using HEPA air purifiers, etc.

The pollen count in the USA fluctuates throughout the year, and there are some patterns in this pollen spike. The main classes of pollen are weeds, grasses and trees. Trees pollinate in the first quarter of the year, and grasses pollinate in the spring season and continue through summer. Weed pollination can be seen at the end of the year.

Even after being affected by pollen every year, people are unaware of the steps they can take to avoid these troubles easily. This article will list some steps you can take to control your allergy and avoid your contact with allergic elements when the pollen count in Los Angeles spikes during the spring season.

Allergies can also be caused by pests

It is important to understand that allergies are not only caused by seasonal pollen and hay fever. They can be caused by pests, such as dust mites, rodent dander and cockroaches etc. Cockroaches can be of particularly nasty source of allergies, including rashes, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath and even asthma attacks. Children are particularly susceptible to pest allergies. This is why it is vital to make sure you keep on top of your cockroach pest control and keep rodent numbers at a minimum. Not many people realize the health issues and allergic reactions pests can cause, says London cockroach control expert Glen from Diamond Pest Control. If you find dust mites or cockroaches in your home, you should get them removed as soon as possible.

Reduce exposure to the pollen

Stay at home during windy days. You can also ask for permission to work from home if possible.

Don’t do chores such as weed pulling, lawn mowing, gardening, etc., which requires you to go near plants and herbs.

Remove clothes that you wear outside as soon as you reach home.

Keeping laundry outside to soak and dry is a bad idea; pollen can stick to these clothes.

Wear a pollen mask.

When the pollen count is very high:

Check newspapers, radio or TV for weather reports and pollen count in your place.

If there’s a high pollen count in Los Angeles, start taking allergy medication prescribed to you.

Close doors and windows during the night—pollen count is high during the nighttime.

Avoid outdoor activities during the early morning—the count is high in the early morning as well.

Keep the indoor air clean and healthy by:

Using AC in the house and car.

Keep indoor air dry using a dehumidifier,

Use high-quality HEPA air purifiers in your bedrooms.

Clean floors with a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters.

If you are allergic to pollen, you cannot go out in any season carefree, especially in Los Angeles, where there is a pollen count spike every season. The lowest pollen count can be seen during November, December, and January. There were years when these three months also saw an increase in the pollen count. In short, if you are a citizen of Los Angeles, you need to be careful about these allergies throughout the year.

If you are allergic to seasonal or perennial allergies, you could visit an allergy specialist to figure out the ways to survive the seasons with a high pollen count outdoors. The specialist will prescribe medication and tips to reduce or eliminate the allergy to an extent.

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