How can miners communicate underground with each other?

June 3, 2022 by No Comments

Mining is an integral part in a society’s efforts to eliminate waste. Mining is the current method of extracting metal from the earth’s crust. Large drills are used to dig deep into underground rock layers. The explosives are used to destroy walls and then send the pieces up for processing.

These shears are basically corridors between two types of rock created by the mining process. These shears are usually located in the middle or center of the rock floor making it difficult for miners to travel through them.

These corridors are not only difficult to navigate, but also pose a risk of collapsing for anyone who attempts to mine them. Communication between miners is crucial for efficient treatment and mining of each rock floor area.

A system called pagers, or VHF radios, allows miners to communicate with each other. A pager, a small handheld device that transmits radio waves, is used to communicate with miners. VHF radios require badges to identify them, but have more information stored in their memory. This allows miners to send messages up to 50 miles away.

These messages serve two main purposes: they alert miners to any dangers and inform them about any shift or break changes. Each team will be given a break to eat, and perhaps change shifts.

It is almost impossible to work without breaks due to the sheer amount of equipment and machinery involved in mining. These pager messages let miners know when their breaks are so no one is left behind.

These messages can also be used to warn miners about any imminent danger or chemical spillage. Radio waves enable signals to be transmitted through multiple locations, which allows miners to hear and evacuate the area if necessary.

Mining is dangerous work that requires focus and attention. The safety of miners is crucial, and every message sent via the pager system is taken very seriously. These messages give miners an additional sense of security underground, which is vital for their safety.

This post was written by Justin Tidd, Director at For over 15 years, Becker Communications has been the industry’s leader in increasingly more sophisticated electrical mining communication systems. As they expanded into surface mining, railroads, and tunneling they added wireless communication systems, handheld radios, tagging and tracking systems, as well as gas monitoring.

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